Saturday 10 March 2012

Why do students do what they do?

It's 4am.

Right now, the average student is either sleeping, partying, or is on the Internet for some reason.

But why?

Obviously, everyone understands the need for sleep.

Partying? I think everyone can understand that too, to an extent. I mean, everyone needs to let their hair down once in a while. And with the growing list of student offers of today, why not?

Photo: Hannah O'Brien
A large part of the student culture of today involves clubbing as the main form of socialising. Well, actually, clubbing has become a central focus in socialising for young people, whether they are students or not. But drinking and dancing seems to be a good way to meet new people – if the example of fresher’s week is anything to go by.

Drinking seems to relax us and make us all more open to meeting new people. So, obviously this is ideal for a first-year student who is hoping to meet more friends.

But now I’ve come to surfing the net – why do we do it?

Quite simply - it's an escape from reality.

On the internet, it's easy to not only be someone you're not, but also to let go of the stresses of real life - but then again, I guess you could say that drinking has the same effect.

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