Thursday 24 May 2012

A whole day older...

Me again, signing in for the first time in a long time.

And right now, I'm stressing - exams are just a few days away!

So this will be a really quick blog, just to check in.

It was my birthday yesterday, and I'm feeling old. 19.

And some of you may well cry out in protest at this - "19?! And she feels old? She needs to get some perspective!" - but I have my reasons.

When I was 17, someone I was really close to died, just a week before his 20th birthday. Hitting 19 has shown me that soon I'll be older than he ever was, and it doesn't feel right, not one bit.

Of course, I had a good time (thanks to all of my amazing flatmates and uni friends!), but some things just play on your mind.